Dear Future Husband

Dear Future Husband,

It’s autumn, the leaves are changing, quickly the air is beginning to chill. This is the season when people begin to slow down a bit, stay in where it’s warm and look for someone to cozy up with, unfortunately most often out of selfish fleshly desires. Dear future husband I’m waiting for you, my loyalty to you is as if I’m already your wife and you are already my husband. I’m saving myself for you as I eagerly anticipate what being married to you willl be like. God told me to pray for you and as I pray you in, pray for your heart, pray for your spirit, pray for your mind, pray for your physical well being and your family, pray for your ministry, your business, your countenance and perseverance to push through the tests and trials that God will use to break off the things that will serve no purpose where He’s taking you. I pray your heart is filled with the love of God and constantly seeking Him for more. Future husband I will spend this season seeking God for all that I need to be the best wife to you.

Love, Your Future Wife

Saving Ourselves For God’s Best!

Written by Melinda Woodhouse

One day God said to me save yourself, keep yourself pure for me, do not have sex until you are married. That was 11 years ago, I’ve been obedient to God’s word to me ever since. God has removed a number of things and people from my life since then, God instructed me to separate myself from people who had interests that no longer matched who I felt God purposed me for. That day 11 years ago I didn’t realize it but God was preparing me for ministry, leadership, God was calling me to find the Melinda He birthed me to be. I met a Gentleman right around the same time this journey began and he spoke to me about revelations God had shared with him about me, everything he said to me revealed God’s heart towards me, I began to understand God was bringing me out. I felt changed, I began to hear from God differently and more, God was really changing my heart for Him and for others. I began to understand over time His heart and His purpose for myself and each of us as daughters of God to be important to His kingdom here on earth and that as we embrace our role in His kingdom we begin to see ourselves as important to Him and to others. As I continued to separate myself and draw closer and closer to God, I went through some pretty interesting trials and tribulations that made me stronger and more and more sensitive to the things that concern God regarding his children. I let go of focusing on myself and focusing on putting first God’s kingdom. I returned to a desire I had in previous years to be someone God could use greatly and I knew I had to purge old habits, ways, mindsets and let go and let God have his way with me. This was not always easy and I even tried to barter with God on some things, but as I learned to operate in the understanding “not my will, your will God” I even let go of those things. I’m far from perfect, and God is not looking for me to be perfect, he simply desires my heart to be for him.

Fast forward 11 years later God began to speak to me in 2018 and said to me “daughter you have lived a holy lifestyle, you are pure and I’m going to use you to teach other women how to pursue me the way you do, and how to live holy, you are a Godly woman and with you I am well pleased.” I said yes and the serious trials began, I’m still in a season of trials, it’s not fun, they are a bit brutal, but I know God is deepening my faith. I will not lie, I thought about just stopping, but as revelations have become so great from God, I see what a great need there is for me to push through to be a sister, a friend, a mother in Christ Jesus to every woman I’m graced by God to encounter, I just keep going, and I make it through.

I just felt led to this scripture 2 Chronicles 16:9 “For the eyes of the Lord rang throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him”. Another favorite scripture is 2 Timothy 2:20 In a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and earthenware, and some for noble use, some for ignoble. If any one purifies himself from what is ignoble, then he will be a vessel for noble use, consecrated and useful to the master of the house, ready for any good work. My greatest reason for continuing this work the Lord began in me is LOVE, Love makes me do it. I’ve began mentoring a number of women and I see and from the feed back I get, I know how God is able to use me for his purpose. I say all this to say, God does not use dirty dishes, God wants us to honor him with our bodies, for his use and good works, but also so that we are in obedience to God’s decrees and commands so that things may go well in his favor. Allowing our bodies to be used for sexual pleasure without commitment in marriage is not what God want’s or ever intended for us, it usually leads to heart breaks, failed relationships, unplanned pregnancies, broken promises etc….. How much more rewarding is it to do the will of God, honor him with our bodies, minds, hearts and spirit and reap the rewards of these things according to his will.I pray this message resonates with your hearts and deep within your spirits. I love you like the sisters in Christ you are to me.

Melinda Woodhouse – Woman of God


I praying every person reading this message has many things to be proud for accomplishing in 2018. I pray you experienced growth in new areas of your life, growth that pushed you to find new strengths within yourself, new ways to tackle situations, even as unforeseeable situations continue to be unavoidable, but now more easily manageable. I pray you focus on and see God in everything that you do constantly remembering He’s the author of everything in our lives, and in adhering to this as a must for all His grace to show up with His presence to fill us to overflow in love and goodness and grace. With only 5 days left in 2018 I pray you continue to remember God want’s us to FINISH STRONG this 2018, 5 Days is plenty of time for God to complete miracles, signs and wonders just FOR You! Don’t be discouraged if you didn’t get everything done you hoped to accomplish, remember everything happens in God’s timing, remember God’s delays are not denials, there’s something God is working on in your heart that needs to be accomplished so you can be the best at what you do with a heart towards God and a Kingdom mindset. FINISH STRONG as a great setup to win greater, advance greater, be promoted greater, have greater relationship’s, greater businesses, great family success, greater blessings over every area of your life in 2019!

Have Faith

Stepping into the unknown can be scary, But not with God!
Once we build our faith in God the unseen, the unknown, the uncertain, the things we are unsure of begin to to look different, we begin to experience these things differently.
Faith is blind, faith is trust, faith is listening to the small still voice that’s always present, even when what your being told to do doesn’t make sense. Just do it, if God told you to do it, trust Hes already worked it out. This is where life gets really good, being obedient, honoring God with our lives, being transparent with our testimonies, being honest and humble before God.
2 Corinthians 4: 16-18 Tells us “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Start living, don’t be limited by lack of faith, don’t be limited by what you can’t see, God sees it knows it, understands it and already has it worked out for you. Step Out In Faith!

God I pray on today that we have big faith, faith even as a mustard seed, so that we begin to step into our destiny with You. Lord God I pray we trust the things You speak to us more than we do our limiting fear. Lord God I pray our faith is big enough to leap out into the unknow because we trust You know, we trust Your love and we trust Your voice that guides us. Lord I pray on this day thay we do not lose heart, that we turn to you for daily renewal, mind resets, even to shock our hearts to jump start a new kind of faith that is bold for You. God I pray on today we be encouraged into Leaps Of Faith. In Jesus name I pray Amen and Amen! Love you all ❤

God Want’s To Reveal Our True Selves To Us

Ladies we each have a unique story inside of us about our journey’s with all of it’s ups and downs. Throughout the entire journey God was with us every step of the way, in ways and in situations that may be easy to over look or just not be able to see or understand how He could have been in it. God’s love, mercy and grace has always been with us and will always be with us.

God Heals Broken Hearts!

I’ve seen the hearts of those who are dealing with situations, the Lord says even trauma, that can often leave us attempting to tackle them on our own. We are in this world not of this world. Our heavenly Father knows all of our needs, this world does not, this world will swallow us whole if we rely on it or people to free us from our troubles.
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
This scripture instructs us to not lean on our own understanding and to trust the Lord with all our heart, we can infer that we should also not lean on the understanding of others and instead trust the Lord.
There’s a theme here the Lord keeps showing me, problems get bigger and bigger and become greater in number and more burdensome when we lean on our own understand instead of trusting God. So I hear people say, well I prayed, I asked God to make this go away, I asked Him to help me and He’s done nothing, I don’t understand, or even just decided “I’ve got this, I’m good” I asked them did you belive He would do the things you asked, most said if He’s God and He loves me like the bible says isn’t that enough? God want’s us to get to know Him intimately, have trust in Him, and have faith that He is who he says and that He will do what He said he will do. All things are possible with Him, and nothing is too big for God, He want’s us to Seek Him First!
Psalm 9:10 Those who know your name trust in you,
for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.
Seek God first, when troubles hit don’t call your friends, family or your neighbors or co-workers first, seek God FIRST! How can He show up if we do not invite Him?
God is a gentleman. He will not force Himself into your life in uninvited. He will fill you, heal you, uplift you, and birth a new understanding of who He is in you; but only if you ask Him to do so. God want’s intimacy with his children. Until we really press in with God it’s difficult to grasp how to be vulnerable and intimate with someone you can’t see, despite that we can’t see God His presence is all around and even within us. Make it a routine to get quiet before God and close off your minds understanding and seek Him within your spirit, trust that He will show up and you will feel Him all around you and begin to see Him in everything.
Ezekiel 36:26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart, one that is of flesh. God wants to give us new hearts and a new spirit God want’s to remove the heart of stone that is a result of relying not on the hardness and cruelty of this world, instead of Him. A heart of flesh has the tenderness of God.
God I pray that those who are dealing with pain and emotional warfare from rape, incest, abandonment, suicide, abuse, neglect, shame, feeling less than, anger, distrust, mom left, dad left, controlling people, a gay spouse who deceived us, sexually transmitted diseases, or whatever has made us feel broken or less than. ( God still heals all these things, that’s another post)
God I just pray that we are able to shut the world out and invite you into these places of hurt and emotional pain. God you love us like no one else can love us, I pray we value the time it will take to get to know you and to become familiar with having an intimate relationship with You God. I pray we recognize how much we need You and that we are Yours and You are ours. God I pray You cause us to relinquish and surrender our all to You. I pray for healing, for new hearts, a new spirit and an openess to receive Your wisdom, love and grace in Jesus name I pray Amen and Amen!

Brokeness For Grace


God keeps repeating to me, “Broken Glass” so I asked Him what He’s saying to me, He showed me this; last week, I tripped over a large glass bottle that was filled with water, it fell over and I fell backwards over it, the glass shattered and the water gushed out, I slipped and fell pretty hard and I was cut in a couple of places on my left leg, I sustained 2 pretty deep cuts around my left ankle, but I didn’t feel it at the time it happened. God said, the wounds you have from the broken glass are like wounds people have in their hearts. I sat down and looked at my ankle and reflected on what God was showing me and realized in addition to the 2 cuts or wounds all around it was also swollen and red, I touched it and it really hurt.

God began to show me broken hearts, wounded hearts, hurt, wounds in spirits that can invite other symptoms like hard- heartedness, swollen pride, red with anger etc…..
When I fell it was pretty startling, we cleaned up and I quickly got back to work, I was in a meeting and someone asked if I had cut myself, I asked why, they said there’s blood running down your ankle, I didn’t even feel or notice it then, it went unnoticed until pointed out to me. God likened this to how easy it is to go numb after repeated blows to the heart.
Allowing one wound of the heart after the other to go without the attention it requires and deserves to heal will cause your heart to harden towards others and even towards God.

After I got up from the fall, I thanked God I was ok, it could have been worse, there was a lot of thick sharp-edged glass all around me, but I only experienced minor wounds. I saw God’s hand on me and I was grateful.
When we give our broken pieces to God they seem so insignificant, trying to navigate through.

Psalm 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds.
Psalm 73:26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Seek God and you will find Him. God is a Gentleman, he wants us to invite him into our hearts, into the vulnerable and emotion places, he wants us to be intimate with Him, share our hurts and disappointments and give them to Him so he can fill us with His perfect love and joy. God certainly doesn’t want us to become bitter and hard-hearted, this will only keep us from experiencing great joy, love, peace, great friendships and relationships, even success in our careers and excellent health. Negative emotions are draining and can encourage poor health. A sound mind, body and spirit comes from fully loving, trusting and having faith in God.

I pray God bless you, and that you allow God to give you a new heart, new faith, brand new mercies, new love, a new beginning, renewed health, new friendships, new joy, new closeness with God, a new song, new worship, new perspective, a new outlook, and new hope, In Jesus name I pray, Amen and Amen! God loves you. I love you.

The Journey To Sisterhood Begins

Welcome to Sisterhood! Where love for My Sisters Abounds on a Journey to Grace! Thanks for joining me!

Grace is meeting those moments on the journey, then picking yourself back up, being humble enough to learn, and not being to hard on yourself. – Michelle Peluso
